Materials – modelling of corrosion and soiling
Modelling the effects of air pollution on materials addresses the critical issue of atmospheric deterioration on construction materials and cultural heritage. Utilizing ICP Materials' dose-response functions, we assess corrosion and soiling rates, risks, and economic impacts
Atmospheric deterioration of materials is a cumulative, irreversible process, which proceeds even in the absence of pollutants. However, air pollution typically speeds up both the corrosion and soiling of materials and of the cultural heritage. An acceptable rate of deterioration needs to be defined which may be considered as “tolerable”, based on technical, economic, and social considerations.
Soiling and corrosion are assessed by ICP Materials. Data and process understanding has been conceptualized into models capable of scenario assessment and future predictions. Given the nature of the processes and the rate of change, these calculations do not require small time steps. The so-called “dose-response functions” relate the dose of pollution (concentration or deposition) to the rate of material corrosion or soiling. These functions are one of the most important results from the ICP Materials programme and their uses are varied: develop classifications of corrosivity, mapping areas with increased corrosivity risk, and aiding in the calculation of economic costs caused by the corrosion and soiling of materials.
The latest version of the Mapping Manual External link.includes the updated functions for corrosion and soiling