Centre for Dynamic Modelling
Centre for Dynamic Modelling, CDM, develops and promotes methods for dynamic modelling of air pollution impacts on ecosystems, including biodiversity, interactions of air pollution with climate change and land use.
The Aim
CDM is part of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, CLRTAP. CDM aims to build connections with groups working with dynamic modelling both within and outside the Convention External link, opens in new window. and to help to coordinate the modelling efforts so that the model outcomes could be directly utilized within the work of the Convention.
CDM originated and is a further development of Joint Expert Group on Dynamic Modelling (JEG DM). While JEG DM operated solemnly by annual meetings reported External link, opens in new window. to the Working Group on Effects (WGE), CDM will be operate on continuous basis and will also – as a part of ICP Modelling and Mapping – be integrated in the work of WGE.
Apart from the funding from UNECE External link, opens in new window. (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), the work of CDM is funded by Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
External link, opens in new window. (Naturvårdsverket).