The need for professional & sustainable ship recycling
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a Brussels based coalition of environmental and human rights organisations, has published a list of ship owners and ships sold for dismantling in 2014. According to that list, compiled and based on research by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform, several shipping companies were the beneficial owner or charterer of vessels that were beached for dismantling on the Indian subcontinent in 2014. Ship dismantling on the beaching yards of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan is associated with severe pollution and unsafe working conditions.
Members of the Clean Shipping Network strongly condemn and distance themselves from such ship breaking practices. By addressing this issue, Clean Shipping Network members aim to support progress to cleaner and safer ship recycling practices globally.
Shipping companies, mentioned on the list from the NGO Shipbreaking Platform, are asked by CSN members to review their policies and practices regarding the selling and recycling of end-of-life vessels. Suppliers are also asked to answer the question on their ship recycling policy in the Clean Shipping Index questionnaire, a tool used by leading international cargo owners to evaluate the environmental performance of their providers of sea transports.
For guidance on safe and environmentally sound ship recycling, the CSN refer to the IMO Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships External link, opens in new window. (2009) and the European Ship Recycling Regulation
External link, opens in new window. (2013).