About this webpage
Carbonation, CO2 uptake, of concrete is a process that has been known for a long time. Mainly because the process can affect the technical properties of the concrete in the long term, e.g. strength of reinforcement bars.
The uptake of CO2 in concrete also affects the net CO2 emissions from the use of concrete in society and thus also the impact of concrete use on greenhouse gases and its climate effects. It is therefore important to understand and to take into account both the technical aspects of carbonation and its climate effects. More information can be found in the report CO2 uptake in cement-containing products - Background and calculation models for implementation in national greenhouse gas emission inventorie. External link, opens in new window.
Information site for calculating CO2 uptake in concrete
This web site is intended to be a living and easily accessible information site for calculating CO2 uptake in concrete structures and in various concrete processes. Such calculations are complex and often need the support of different computer models. Calculations of CO2 uptake in concrete may need to be made for different concrete structures or to calculate the national uptake of CO2 due to the concrete use in each country in connection with the national greenhouse gas reporting to NIR or UNFCCC. The web is intended to be used widely in society by e.g. research, authorities and industry.
Use of this website
The present website on the uptake of CO2 in concrete is a general compilation of the state of knowledge about carbonation and therefore contains both external and internal material. The material may need to be adapted for a specific application. The use of the material on the website is therefore at the user's own responsibility and IVL can therefore not take any responsibility for the use of the material.